This programming reflects recognized expertise in the design, implementation and evaluation of local initiatives linked to the needs and resources of the communities to improve access to and continuity of social and health services for vulnerable populations.
An action research project (Project #01, 2017-18) funded by Réseau1 Québec aimed to address the challenge of access to the healthcare and social services network for refugees in the target city, by strengthening the network of actors and services involved with this population, and by supporting the reflection on proposals for integrated, sustainable local interventions based on the needs of the community. The results of this action research were revealed to the community in June 2018 during a day of exchange and knowledge transfer co-constructed with the partners involved in the project. This day was summarized in a report entitled "Qatra Qatra Darya Mesha" (Drop by drop the river forms, Dari, Afghan proverb). This event closed the action research with the participation of nearly 80 people including refugees, provincial and federal deputies and several municipal and institutional actors in health and immigration.
This project gave rise to a second project (Project #02) focused on the mental health issues of refugees and the adequate time frames for conducting initial post-arrival assessments at the Refugee Clinic. The results of this second project showed that mental health, although complex, was central to the refugees interviewed. Health of the “heart and soul” was necessary to regain life balance following forced immigration. The scoping review highlighted that the ideal time frame depended heavily on the type of migration trajectory experienced, that it was counterproductive to wish to standardize these practices at all costs and that it would be more relevant to screen for emotional distress at least twice in the year of arrival, for example.
In 2019, the team received a grant from the Fondation de l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec ( Project #03 , 2019-2022 ) to implement the "ideal model" thought up and created during the action research, namely a local intervention model centered on the role of a community nurse who would work in 2 disadvantaged neighborhoods, with the help of a psychosocial team that had already been in place for years. This project (in the process of being made sustainable) has shown that the role of the community nurse is becoming a pivot in terms of access to health services and makes it possible to establish continuity and clinical follow-up within communities. It makes it possible to reach people who clearly would not have consulted before the emergency room. In the pandemic context, this role has become proactive during door-to-door sessions as well as when responding to semi-emergencies by telephone related to COVID-19 or any other physical and mental health problem.
Project #01
La recherche par l’action : mise en œuvre d’une intervention de proximité intégrée de 1ière ligne en contexte multiculturel
Objective: Implement a “network innovation”, that is to say an integrated, sustainable intervention based on the needs of the community of a Sherbrooke district in order to improve the care of refugees within a continuum of front-line services.
Funding: Réseau-1 Québec (2017-2019)
Team: Lara Maillet (IUPLSSS), Dr. France Desjardins (Refugee Clinic, CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS), Dr. Suzanne Gagnon (Refugee Clinic, CIUSSS de la Capitale Nationale), Dr. Lavanyah Naraziah (Refugee Clinic, CISSS Montérégie-Centre), (Dr. Geneviève Beaulieu, UdeS, CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS), Dr. Geneviève Baron, DSPu, CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS), Dr. Daniel Guimaraes (UdeS, CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS), Pernelle Smits (ULaval), Mylaine Breton (UdeS), Nassera Touati (ENAP), Christine Lavoine (UdeS), Paul Morin (UdeS, IUPLSSS), Dr. Marie-Claude Beaulieu (UdeS), Julie Lane (CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS), Claude Charpentier (Bishop's University), Emilie Robert (McGill), Sabina Abou Malham (UdeS), Maryse Benoit (UdeS), Mathieu Roy (CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS), Geneviève Laliberté (UdeS), Ms. Safa Ben Saad, citizen partner, Ms. Moqadessa Adel, citizen partner, Luiza Maria Manceau (IUPLSSS).
The protocol is available here .
Project #02
En temps et lieux : Prendre la mesure des inégalités sociales en santé mentale pour les personnes réfugiées au Québec
Objective: Contribute to creating reliable and contextualized mental health indicators for the Quebec Refugee Clinics in order to enrich the Refugee Health and Well-being Assessment deployed via the MSSS ministerial plan.
Funding: Quebec Population Health Research Network
Team: Lara Maillet (ENAP, IUPLSSS), Helen-Maria Vasiliadis (UdeS), Christine Loignon (UdeS), Dr. France Desjardins (Refugee Clinic, CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS), Maryse Benoît (UdeS) Mélanie Gagnon (CERDA, CIUSSS Centre-Ouest-de-l'île-de-Montréal), Djamal Berbiche (Charles-le-Moyne Hospital Research Center) and Geneviève Laliberté (UdeS student)
To consult G. Laliberté's doctoral thesis resulting from this project: follow this link .
Project #03
Implementation of an innovative local nursing intervention for refugees
Goals :
Clinical component: Implement an intersectoral local network, focused on implementing the optimal role of local clinical nurses and IPSP L and on deploying an innovative scope of front-line nursing practice, to ensure the continuity of care trajectories and services for refugees in Sherbrooke.
Evaluation component : Understand and support in real time the development and implementation processes of this intersectoral proximity network, centered on the optimal roles of local clinical nurses and IPSPLs.
Funding: Foundation of the Order of Nurses
Team: L ara Maillet (ÉNAP, IUPLSSS), Johanne Déry (UdeM), Stéphanie Charest (CIUSSSE-CHUS), Sabina Abou Malham (UdeS), Dr. France Desjardins (Refugee Clinic, CIUSSSE-CHUS), Dr. Christiane Labrie, MD (Refugee Clinic, CIUSSSE-CHUS), Julie Laflamme (CIUSSSE-CHUS), Carine Boulianne (CIUSSSE-CHUS), Grace Lynn Angarita Varela (CIUSSSE-CHUS), Nassera Touati, (ÉNAP), Arnaud Duhoux (UdeM), Chantal Doré (UdeS), Bernard Roy (ULaval), Suzanne Gagnon (Ulaval, CIUSSS Capitale-Nationale), Julie Lane (UdeS), Anna Goudet (ÉNAP), Geneviève Champagne (ÉNAP), Aurelle Jouego Fotso (ÉNAP).
The protocol is available here .
Projet #04
Se remettre de la pandémie : miser sur la proximité pour mettre en œuvre des SIDEP en contexte de vulnérabilité, à Montréal
Évaluer et à accompagner le processus d’implantation des Services intégrés de dépistage et de prévention des infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang (SIDEP)
Mesurer les effets de l’utilisation des services SIDEP sur les personnes qui utilisent le service, les organisations du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux ainsi que par les partenaires du territoire
Chercheure principale : Lara Maillet, ENAP
Co·chercheur·es universitaires : Nassera Touati (ENAP), Tatiana Garakani (ENAP), Sabina Abou Malham (UdS), Isabelle Ruelland (UQÀM), Jorge Flores-Aranda (UQÀM), Naïma Bentayeb (ENAP), Loubna Belaid (ENAP)
Co·chercheur·es en milieux de pratique : Maria Noun (CIUSSS NIM), Valérie Lépine (CIUSSS de l’Est), Maxime Bonneau (PACT de rue), Mélissa Lemay (RAP jeunesse), Julien Montreuil (L’Anonyme) et Audrey Berthiaume (L’Amour en Action).
Chercheuse postdoctorale : Chantal Bayard (ENAP)
Pour en savoir davantage sur ce projet :